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Re: Default anchored frame position

At 10:54 PM 6/9/2005, Steve Whitlatch wrote:
How would one make the anchored frame properties available as attributes?
Similar to what I posted?

Steve, Read/write rules similar to those in your previous message are used to set anchored frame properties during XML import; Stephane, however, was asking for a method of setting defaults that would be used when she created new anchored frames when editing FrameMaker documents.

What does "notation" mean in

            notation attribute "align"
                is fm property alignment;
                value "left" is fm property value align left;
                value "center" is fm property value align center;
                value "right" is fm property value align right;

"notation" is used several different ways in the docs, mostly what I find is
in connection with writing output. What's happenning in the above read/write

While the above read/write rule is permitted, it doesn't make much sense.

When FrameMaker creates a DTD from an EDD, it has a default way of declaring every attribute. For example, an optional FrameMaker integer attribute named 'intatt' is declared in an XML DTD as:


You can change this behavior by specifying a declared value at the beginning of an attribute rule.
For example, the rule:

cdata attribute "intatt" is fm attribute;

causes the above declaration to be replaced by

    intatt CDATA #IMPLIED

You are probably familiar with declared notations used in the declaration of data entities for graphics, for example:

<!ENTITY af1 SYSTEM "intro1.gr" NDATA TIFF>

Here, the DTD must declare TIFF to be a notation.

Another use of notations is in enumerated type attributes. An element type can have a single attribute type whose value is a notation attribute that is used to identify the notation or format of elements' content. For example, you might give a <formula> element an attribute with possible values "chemical" or "algebra". While you could declare the attribute as:

<!ATTLIST formula
    type (chemical | algebra) #REQUIRED

you could also declare it as

<!ATTLIST formula
    NOTATION type (chemical | algebra) #REQUIRED

as long as chemical and algebra are notations that are also declared in the DTD.

In a FrameMaker EDD, both variations would be declared as a choice attribute. If you develop the EDD first and then export the DTD from the EDD, FM by default generates a declaration of the first form above. You can use a rule such as

notation attribute "type" is fm attribute;

to generate a declaration of the second form instead.

Which finally takes us back to your question. In the following rule:

            notation attribute "align"
                is fm property alignment;
                value "left" is fm property value align left;
                value "center" is fm property value align center;
                value "right" is fm property value align right;

FM uses the keyword "notation" when it is generating a DTD from an EDD to declare
the align attribute as a notation attribute. For XML documents that use the resulting
DTD to be valid, the values "left", "center", and "right" must be declared as notations.

Note: The above description is based on SGML functionality; I assume but have not
tested that FM uses these rules in the same way when generating XML DTDs.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development, and training
lprice@xxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.txstruct.com
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505 cell phone: (510) 421-2284

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