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RE: Chapter TOC plug-in?

You could also use cross-references to create chapter TOCs. At the beginning
of each chapter, we have a two-column table: the first column has a link to
the chapter headings using the <$paratext> building block; the second column
has a link to the chapter headings using the <$pagenum> building block.


-----Original Message-----
At 10:46 AM 3/21/01 -0800, Russ Wyllie wrote:
>Is there a commercially-available FrameMaker plug-in that helps with the
>creation of chapter tables of contents? A company I used to work for had
>such a plug-in, but the start-up I'm at now doesn't have the resources
>in-house to write one.
>The "by hand" process of creating chapter TOCs involves:
>* Creating individual book files that generate the chapter TOCs for each
>* Creating one big book file that contains all the chapters and generated
>TOCs for generating the book TOC and printing the entire book.
>The "by hand" method is a major pain for books with lots of chapters. I
>don't mind the one-time setup of all the book files, but re-generating all
>those chapter TOCs every time the book changes is pretty mind numbing.
>It sure would be nice to feed a list of chapter book files along with the
>big book file name to a plug-in, and have it do all the TOC generations and
>book updating. Does this plug-in exist somewhere?

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