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Re: Two questions and a point....

> Not sure who to ask for this, but it would be real nice if the Subject: 
> line had [FreeFramers] as the first item. I know this can be done 
> automatically by configuring majordomo.

As others have said, most email software today has the ability to sort
incoming emails according to mail headers. That's a much easier solution.

Another argument not do do this change is that you very soon will get
Subject headers like "Re: [FreeFramers] Fwd: [FreeFramers] some topic"
Many email clients or users have a limited space for the Subject line,
and I for one would like to see the actual subject first. Unless Jeremy
knows of a foolproof way to delete all the unnecessary mailing list
"tags" automatically, this will not help readability.

Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Communicator, Uppsala, Sweden
http://go.to/framers/  (updated on September 6)

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