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Re: Two questions and a point....

> >... it would be real nice if the Subject: 
> >line had [FreeFramers] as the first item.
> Last time this came up, a few years ago, most listmembers didn't
> want to do it.  Maybe I should set up a voting page again.  Comments?

If we're voting, I'd vote to keep it the way it is. As Jeremy points
out, you can always filter on the header:

>   Sender: owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx

Use the header to route each mailing list to its own folder. A decent
mail client shows which folders have unread messages -- heck, even
Notes (which I don't consider decent in the least) can do that.

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, ARRIS
"Content creators are the engine that drives
value in the information life cycle."
    -- Barry Schaeffer, on XML-Doc

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