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Re: Two questions and a point....

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 15:13:45 -0700, Allen Schaaf <soundbyte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

>Not sure who to ask for this, but it would be real nice if the Subject: 
>line had [FreeFramers] as the first item. I know this can be done 
>automatically by configuring majordomo.
>This would be a great help when software mis-identifies a post as spam and 
>it gets into the junk folder. Much easier to spot the errant posts.

Last time this came up, a few years ago, most listmembers didn't
want to do it.  Maybe I should set up a voting page again.  Comments?

In the meantime, try checking for this header:
  Sender: owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx
which doesn't seem to get forged much...

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, Free Framers list admin
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