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RE: Two questions and a point....


A have a utility for FrameMaker that prints out para style name and
properties. Perhaps it is the one you are referring to. It is called
Paragraph Tools and is made by Silicon Prairie Software. The same
company makes Character tools which serves the same function for
character formats. www.siliconprairiesoftware.com

Barbara Ash
Adobe Certified Instructor

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Allen Schaaf
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:14 PM
To: 'Free Framers'
Subject: Two questions and a point....

Not sure who to ask for this, but it would be real nice if the Subject: 
line had [FreeFramers] as the first item. I know this can be done 
automatically by configuring majordomo.

This would be a great help when software mis-identifies a post as spam
it gets into the junk folder. Much easier to spot the errant posts.

Second. A couple of years ago I had a utility/plugin for FrameMaker at a

previous job that would print out a para style name, typeface, point
and three lines from the text that used it. I have forgotten what the
was. Can anyone enlighten me?

And a point. At 
is a listing that I have been posting to that is mostly from recruiters
friends that have sent them to me not knowing that I'm currently
Given that I am in the San Francisco Bay Area, most of them are nearby. 
However, a few might work for telecommuting for those of you not in the

And those of you who know of a job anywhere, add to the list.

At some point in the future we can condense the information into a list
recruiters and companies that hire direct so we can prospect them when 
times are slower.

A modest suggestion. If you have positive experience with a recruiter or
company, say so. If you know that the recruiter is bad news or the
abusive, don't ding them, just don't forward their listings. Can't get
trouble for what you don't say.

Good luck.

Allen Schaaf
Sr. Techwriter
Certified Network Security Analyst and
Intrusion Forensics Investigator - CEH, CHFI

Papageno: "What should we say now?"
Pamina: "The truth, the truth, ...even if it is a crime." 

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