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Re: Wrong Printer Error

[The original message appeared on the FrameUsers mailing list.
 This reply is sent only to the "Free Framers" mailing list.]

From: "Böðvar Björgvinsson" <bodvar@atlanta.is>
> When printing an FM document to my QMS-1660 PS Level 2, I get this error
> at the last page (the only one that includes an imported pdf "graphic"):
> Error: Your printer driver needs to be configured for printing to a
> PostScript Langage Level 2 printer.
> What is my printer if not PostScript Language Level 2 printer?

The error message talks about the *driver*, not the printer.
First of all, check the Properties of your printer in the Printer
control panel. See if a PS level is specified anywhere.
Do you use an AdobePS, a Microsoft, or a QMS printer driver?
(check "About" for top item in Device Settings tab)
I would advise you to install the latest AdobePS driver, and
associating it with the correct QMS PPD file during installation.

> Another new one:
> A TIFF picture that I rotated 90 deg. in an anchored frame (run-in,
> alligned right) skips printing about the first 15-18mm from the top,
> both in Distiller and the QMS.

Could possibly be a memory problem. Is the TIFF image huge (in file
size and color depth)?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Writer, Uppsala, Sweden
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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