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Re: FM plugins & utilities. The last word from me

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lin Sims" <linda.sims@verizon.net>

> It seems that I have unintentionally stepped on a few toes when I 
> offered to share my list of available tools with the FrameMaker 

I just happened to think that since this is an international mailing list
that some of the remarks I made in my last post on this subject may
not be appropriate for another culture/country with different laws.

The United States has free speech written into the Constituition.
In this country (US) it is not a matter of courtesy to obtain permission
from a commercial vendor before writing a review about their product.
That is your right. Of course if you want a free copy of their software
in order to make the review, then the issue of permission can arise.
Otherwise complaining about your right to bash products that you
dont like is an imaginary grievance. Unless you claim that your list is
complete you have a right to omit products from the review. If you
fault any software, this is always defensible if it is your personal
experience with the software. 

Unless you have misrepresented the nature of the complaints 
such as the lie that it is advisable/required to contact the owner of the
commercial product before reviewing it, you have portrayed
some moral slimeballs that participate on this mailing list or maybe
have commercial software that is mentioned on this list. I am somewhat
astounded that you would meekly fold your teepee and skulk away.
Unless Lin, you think your journalism has no merit, no value to others.

Power corrupts,

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