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RE: FM plugins & utilities. The last word from me

It seems that I have unintentionally stepped on a few toes when I 
offered to share my list of available tools with the FrameMaker 
community. It has been pointed out to me, with some justification, that 
I should have contacted the vendors of the retail products before 
including them in a list that was being shared with the world. For what 
it's worth, I aplogize to anyone who feels that I shouldn't have been so 
precipitate in publishing what is, after all, a personal reference.

Because of some pointed comments, I am now asking Shlomo, 
Lester, Sean, and Jeremy to remove the document I provided them 
yesterday from their web sites. 

When I have the opportunity (read, yeah, I'm busy), I will give them (if 
they still want it) a modified document listing only the Windows-
platform shareware and freeware utilities and plugins for FrameMaker. 
That was what my document originally started out as, and I guess I 
should have kept it that way instead of trying to include all the third-
party tools and applications available out there.

Again, I apologize to anyone who was offended.

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