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FM plugins & utilities. OK, this time is really the last word!

On 24 Sep 2002 at 9:02, Stevenson, Rebecca wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lin Sims [mailto:linda.sims@verizon.net]
> It seems that I have unintentionally stepped on a few toes when I
> offered to share my list of available tools with the FrameMaker
> community. It has been pointed out to me, with some justification,
> that I should have contacted the vendors of the retail products before
> including them in a list that was being shared with the world.
> For my own edification, would someone explain why, off or on-list as
> they like? I don't see how a list of software infringes on... well,
> anything.

The problem was that I had not included enough information about 
features and platforms, that there were typos, and some of the 
information was out of date. Mea culpa. I was in a hurry. Also, this 
started out as a personal reference, which means that my notations 
and descriptions were somewhat idiosyncratic and not likely to be 
updated too frequently. Mea maxima culpa. I didn't do my research.

Oh, well.

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