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Re: FrameMaker Plugins & Utilities

Both Shlomo and Jeremy have written to tell me that the document is 
now available on their web sites. Jeremy will probably be putting an 
HTML version up RSN. Shlomo, Sean, and Lester have all gotten 
updated versions with active hyperlinks to the various web sites (thank 
you, Shlomo, for reminding me that I could do that!).

The document has _already_ been updated with new information, in 
large part thanks to Sean Brierley and also to Frank Stearns. Given 
how fast both Shlomo and Jeremy got back to me, I'd guess this is the 
version you'll find on their sites.

In all fairness, I should note that most of the descriptions of the 
different utilities are usually copied directly from the creators' web 
sites. My own descriptions are a tad sketchy; anyone who has a better 
description of a product is welcome to write me and I'll include it in the 
next update.

Many thanks to all, and I hope you all find this a useful resource.

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