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Re: front matter file in book file

> In Frame 5, I made it a habit not to put my front matter file (title page +
> copyright page) into the book file because I seemed to get a more reliable
> PDF later by having the generated TOC as the first book file. (In the PDF I
> would add the front matter file manually.)
> Now I need to create a book file in Frame 6. Has anyone had trouble putting
> the front matter file as the first book file when creating PDFs from the
> book file?

You don't say what problems you had earlier using FM 5.x.
If you have your PDF creation workflow set up correctly,
the position in the book file of the front matter file,
the TOC file or any other file doesn't matter at all.

Make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest AdobePS
print driver for your operating system, that your Acrobat
installation created a printer named "Acrobat Distiller"
(using the adist*.ppd file), that you use this printer when
creating your PDFs, and that you do not use "Save As PDF".

That should take care of 99% of all PDF creation problems.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Writer, IAR Systems, Uppsala, Sweden
http://go.to/framers/    (updated on Oct. 11)
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