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Re: word spacing & justification

At 4:22 PM -0700 21/6/2001, Victor Caston wrote:
>(Incidentally, how does the "standard space" get set? I noticed it 
>changed for different font sizes, but didn't detect an obvious 

It changes when one applies spread in Paragraph Designer > Default 
Fault.  +/- 1% = +/- .01 em standard space. I assume that the default 
setting of .25 em at 0% spread was a more or less arbitrary but 
informed choice of the designers of the application. 4 to the em is a 
pretty good measure to start from when calculating word spacing; en 
and em are obviously too big, 5 to the em might work but 6 to the em 
and smaller would be much too narrow. Anyone on the list know the 
history of this?

You might try using spread to tighten or loosen the lines. The easy 
way is to make a series of paragraph styles identical to the style of 
the paragraphs that you are working on except in having the spread 
increased or decreased slightly; I normally use increments of .1%.

Lindsey Thomas Martin
lmartin@sfu.ca / 604.215.9490

Publications, The Fraser Institute
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