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Re: word spacing & justification

Thomas Neuburger wrote:
> The spacing behavior you noted (where the last line of a paragraph seems to
> use different letter-spacing rules than the others) is true of both
> justified and unjustified paragraphs, at least in my experience, with the
> fonts I tend to use.
> This is quite frustrating when a monospaced font is selected precisely
> because of the alignment, for example, with well-formatted code. With both
> Courier and Courier New, the last line doesn't line up properly.

We try not to use justified setting so the following won't help there

. Setting the minimum/maximum/optimum wordspace values in the Advanced
pane of the Para Designer to all be the same can help.

. I have found the behaviour of kerning to be hard to predict in Frame.
Sometimes switching pair-kerning off (I believe it's on by default) can
help regularise spacing. Monospaced fonts shouldn't have any pair-kern
information, of course.


Mark Barratt
Text Matters
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