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Re: Find all cross-references to a certain target

There is a way to solve this problem in structured documents by adding an attribute.

In your EDD, the cross-reference element (let's say its name is "Xref") is declared to be of type Cross Reference having an IDREF attribute. But you may also specify additional attributes. One possibility is to define an attribute (named, for instance, "Target") of type "string". Then, when creating each cross-reference, the user enters a descriptive phrase (e.g., "Beer and Pizza") which describes the content of the cross-reference's "target". If your DTD does not define this attribute, your read/write rules can specify that, on export, this attribute is dropped. For example, if the attribute is named "Target", the read/write rules for cross-reference element "Xref" would include:
element "Xref" {
is fm cross-reference element "Xref";
fm attribute "Target" drop;

With this setup, you can now do a FrameMaker search for all occurrences of attribute Target having a value of "Beer and Pizza", and find all instances of the cross-reference element having that value in the Target attribute.

FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing DW Emory <danemory@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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