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Frame/Acrobat upgrades, was RE: Frame 7.1 with Acrobat 5?

> Should not be a problem. Just don't let the installer for 
> FrameMaker 7.1
> install Distiller 6.0.1. FrameMaker 7.0 with all its patches 
> and FrameMaker 7.1
> are setup to recognize and properly deal with either 
> Distiller 5.x or 6.x.

This leads me to two points/questions.

This summer, we upgraded to FrameMaker 7.0p578 and Acrobat 6.0 from
5.5.6/4.0.5.  We write the manuals in Frame and publish them as PDFs for
uers to read on-line (or, probably more likely, print themselves).

1)  With the release of FrameMaker 7.1, does that mean that 7.0 is not going
beyond p578?  Our experience has been that 7.0p578 is much more likely to
crash than 5.5.6.  (The error numbers are consistent with the numbers others
had posted, but I can't find them just now.)  If we have to upgrade to 7.1
so be it, but I would need to know what the price was if any.  As far as I
am concerned, we would be changing in order to reduce 7.0s propensity to
crash, rather than for any new features that 7.1 would include.

2)  I assume Dov's statement above, "Just don't let the installer for
FrameMaker 7.1 install Distiller 6.0.1", is specifically for the person
running Acrobat 5 who originally posed the question.  FrameMaker 7.0/7.1
works just fine with Acrobat Professional 6.0.1, right?

As a matter of fact, over the holidays my Acrobat 6.0 phoned home (Adobe)
and told me that there was an upgrade available, did I want to install it, I
could keep using Acrobat while running the installer (and other sweet
promises).  I clicked "OK"--silly me!

First, the installer was a stupid dolt about temporary file locations (my C:
space apparently was insufficient, and I don't see where I could convince it
to use D: which has lots of room).  I chose to proceed with "no rollback"
(maybe not the finest choice).

Then the installer insisted that I close MS Internet Explorer (apparently
because I had started Acrobat to read a PDF from a web page).

THEN the installer insisted that I provide it with the Acrobat 6.0
installation disk!  Now, in a corporate environment, *assuming I have the
installation disk handy is plain daft*.

I had no choice to cancel out of the installer, having wasted some time.
Only to discover that I had no printers defined on my PC, and apparently no
way to fix this!  Fortunately a reboot solved that--the installer had shut
down some printer process or thread in NT.  Still, more time wasted.

I don't see how this upgrade could possibly be considered simple enough to
prompt the user to upgrade on the fly.  It isn't, and it shouldn't.

Well, I'll try it by downloading the upgrade file, getting the CD-ROM, etc.
Presumably it will continue to work with FrameMaker 7.0, or 7.1, or

Ed (software is like sausages--you don't want to be there for the creation
process) Treijs

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