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Re: FM+SGML help needed.

Margaret -

FM+SGML can write a DTD from the EDD via the Developer Tools SAVE AS DTD
feature, if you have the EDD file itself open, and that DTD probably can
be used to export (SAVE AS) sgml from the FM+SGML document instance. 

The exported DTD will contain all the appropriate elements and content
models.  What it will NOT contain, though, is any notation information
(e.g., the information specification for graphic formats, for example

<!NOTATION GIF PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation//NOTATION
 CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format//EN"> )

nor will it contain text entities and their references, such as to the
ISO character sets (e.g.,

<!ENTITY % ISOlat1  PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN">)

nor any other text entities that might reasonalby appear in a DTD, such
as parameter text entities to 'shorthand' repeated blocks of identical
content, such as attributes.

These are not terribly difficult to add to the dtd to make it complete 
and correct, but may well cause some problems with validation of your
documents if they are missing.

If you need help with getting things set up in, especially in regards
to getting the FM-SGML apps file to a useful state, give me a call, and
I'll see what I can do to help.

-- Lester
 Lester C. Smalley               |  email: LSmalley@Infocon.com
 Information Consultants, Inc.   |  phone: (302) 239-2942
 Hockessin, DE  USA 19707-0310   |  fax:   (302) 239-1712
  * Adobe Certified Expert -- FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML *
  INFOCON is an ADOBE Premium VAR and offers hardware/software
   focused on integrated office solutions for productivity.

| From: Margaret Gainsley <mgainsley@JacksonGraphics.com>
| To: framers@FrameUsers.com
| Subject: FM+SGML help needed.
| Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:41:15 -0500 
| FM+SGML Gurus,
| Can FrameMaker+SGML write a DTD from a EDD that is complete enough to be
| used to export structured FM+SGML files to SGML?
| Problem is, getting the apps folder configured properly to be used as the
| application or if the DTD isn't complete enough to save my files as SGML.
| If you want to call me I will call you back and explain in more detail what
| I have done to set up my apps folder.
| Thanks!!!
| Mg
| Margaret Gainsley
| Jackson Graphics, Inc.
| Mgainsley@jacksongraphics.com <mailto:Mgainsley@jacksongraphics.com> 
| www.jacksongraphics.com <http://www.jacksongraphics.com> 
| 262-509-5148

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