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RE: hidden definitions/uses of missing fonts

James Eric Lawson wrote: 

> Files must be opened with "Remember..." already set to off, 
> then saved, before the missing font names are deleted.

This is true. That's why I had step 1 before step 2. :-) 

> Setting "Remember..." to off in a book file simply propagates 
> the off value of "Remember..." to files subsequently opened 
> via the book.  Saving the files on that iteration saves the 
> off value of "Remember..." but does not delete the font 
> names; closing and re-opening the files, then saving them, 
> deletes the missing font names.

This is not true. The setting is a system preference, not something
that's saved for each file or book. In fact, it's the following line in
the [Preferences] section of maker.ini: 


Now, it may be true that after changing the setting in the GUI, you have
to stop and restart FM -- I can't test it right now, though, and I
consider it unlikely. If you change the setting directly in maker.ini,
of course, you do have to restart FM so that it reads the change. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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