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Re: Why Upgrade to & Some Information About Acrobat 7!

At 1/5/2005 11:23 AM, Jay Rush wrote:
>Thanks for the reply, Dov.
>I've read the entire Why Upgrade thread, including the Q & A on
>compatibility with Frame 6. I checked out the thread because I had two
>other issues.
>First, what issues will I have if I don't yet upgrade from Frame 6.0 to
>7.1 at the same time as I upgrade from Acrobat 5.0 to 7.0. Your answers on
>the Why Upgrade thread helped. Thanks. (We've acquired some companies over
>the past year, and their writers are on Frame 7.1 so we'll make the
>upgrade soon enough so we're all on the same page, but to test Acrobat
>7.0's RGB to CMYK conversion capability, I only want to make the Acrobat
>7.0 upgrade now...unless you can convince me that I should upgrade both at
>the same time.)
>Second, we bought and installed Acrobat 6.0. During the install, a dialog
>"encouraged" me to first uninstall Acrobat 5.0. I currently use Colour
>Chameleon for color correction, and it is not yet compatible with Acrobat
>6.0, so I had to uninstall Acrobat 6.0. The problem was that I then
>couldn't go back Acrobat 5.0 because my disk was a 5.0 upgrade, and it
>didn't recognize a previous version of Acrobat. Fortunately, my IT
>department had a spare license so now I'm back to Acrobat 5.0. My question
>is, will I be able to install Acrobat 7.0 and keep my Acrobat 5.0 on my
>system (XP SP1) until I feel confident that this is the direction we want
>to take?


Although it is possible to "hack" your system up such that you can have
multiple versions of Acrobat installed simultaneously, it is indeed
impossible to have such multiple versions installed simultaneously AND
be able to take advantage of all features of both. This is due to the
fact that certain system resources associated with browser interfaces,
Microsoft Office (and other application plug-in) interfaces, printer
driver plug-ins, printer ports, etc. cannot be duplicated. It is either
one version or the other. Thus, Adobe does not encourage nor does it
provide support for either (1) multiple versions of Acrobat installed
simultaneously or (2) both Acrobat and Reader simultaneously installed
regardless of version.

If you ignore our advice on this, you are pretty much left to your
own devices (pun intended) when things go wrong as they ultimately do
for most who attempt this hackery. Sorry!

        - Dov (back from Australia and New Zealand!)

        - Dov 

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