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Re: Anomalous Behavior of Conditional Text

Dan, although I work in unstructured Frame 7, I can verify that often a change bar will simply not go away, even after having taken the recommended steps to remove it. What works for me is to go into the paragraph designer for the text from which I wish to remove the change bar; apply a change bar by checking the change bar box, and then unapply the change bar by unchecking the box.

FrameMaker is downright quirky about change bars. Because I use them all of the time, I unfortunately need to get along with this quirkiness.

I don't know if this helps, but good luck!


At 12:48 PM 8/13/2004 -0700, DW Emory wrote:
In other words, I want to preserve the change bars in text to which conditional text settings specifying change bars have not been deleted. I regard this as a bug in FM 6.0. Does this bug also exist in Frame 7?

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