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Re: forcing line breaks in a paragraph format

> Is it possible to hard-code a line break in the Autonumber Format
> field on the Numbering tab in the Paragraph Designer?

No there isn't. You have to split the table number and table title
into two separate paragraphs, in which case you have to enter a
Return anyway after the number to get to the title paragraph
(but you can have the correct paragraph tag applied automatically).

In certain situations you can achieve the effect you're looking for
by using two separate and connected text frames, where the first
frame is just wide enough to fit the first part of the content, and
the remaining part is placed in the second frame. You can use this 
to get automatic drop caps, for instance. But since you're talking
about a table title, I don't think it's possible in your situation.

You can also achieve something close by using a single left-aligned
tab for your table title paragraph, set the tab to the position of
the right margin, and enter TWO tabs in your autonumber, e.g.
"Table <n+>\t\t". The problem is that FM likes to keep the first
character at the end of the first line, sometimes invisible...
You might get better results by tweaking the font or tab settings.

Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Communicator, Uppsala, Sweden

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