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CALS Table Pak

I now have an FM implementation Pak for the CALS table model, consisting of EDD, DTD, RW rules, template, sgml declaration, sample fm file, and the resulting SGML instance produced from the sample file. All of this comes in a Zipfile, which also includes a PDF readme file. The EDD contains all the applicable format rules.

After you've set up a structured application definition, you can start playing. The idea is to modify-experiment-remodify until you've got everything the way you want it. Then the perfected EDD, DTD, and RW rules can be incorporated into the larger EDD, DTD, and RW rules for a complete structured application.

The Pak includes several modifications to the standard CALS model which improve it.

The readme PDF file provides a comprehensive overview of the CALS model, as well as the PAK.

I'll send the zipfile to anyone who's interested.

FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing DW Emory <danemory@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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