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Re: Symbol printing incorrectly -- repost from Dov Isaacs

Dov Isaacs wrote:
> Actually, it wasn't that the TrueType "Symbol" font SYMBOL.TTF was
> NOT installed on your system. It was that it was UNinstalled from
> your system, intentionally or not. You cannot install Windows without
> that font being installed. And I believe that even Microsoft Office
> checks for it during its installation and attempts a reinstall of
> it if it is missing. Thus, someone actually removed the font from
> your system either on purpose or by accident.

Is that true even for 'corporate builds', where they update by some kind 
of disc copy?

I have had some initially hard-to-diagnose problems with templates 
shipped to a client where we discovered that the central systems people 
had installed their own special brew of Windows throughout the 
organisation, omitting things that 'nobody will need' to 'save space'. 
These things included a core font (not Symbol) and some software components.

Mark Barratt

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