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Re: SOLVED: Re: Cannot write to specified print file

I don't have "reinstallheimers," especially since it takes nearly an hour to
reinstall Windows XP. How do you create a FILE: port? Thanks.


> Should not have had to reinstall Windows XP. All you needed to do was
> create the FILE: port. A one minute operation, unless of course you
> suffer from "reinstallzheimers" ...
>         - Dov             (8^)>
> At 11/12/2002 08:18 AM, Rick Quatro wrote:
> >Thank you to all that responded to my query. It turns out that the
> >was not specific to FrameMaker 7. For some reason, I did not have a FILE
> >port in my system. I reinstalled Windows XP Pro and now I have a FILE
> >I can now successfully print a PS file. Thanks again for the help.
> >
> >Rick Quatro
> >Carmen Publishing
> >rick@frameexpert.com
> >http://www.frameexpert.com
> >Author of FrameScript: A Crash Course

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