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Re: Gigantic .PS files and errors in .PDFs

If I were you, I'd try printing the individual files within the book to 
PDF. This should isolate the file(s) which are producing the errors, and 
may also may help you to determine whether the bloat problem is occurring 
in all files or only in certain files. If you find that the same file(s) 
producing the errors are also the main source of the bloat, then in that 
file, try printing it to PDF in individual page ranges (different .ps 
filename for each page range) This should allow you to find the particular 
page range where the problem is occurring. Once the problem page range is 
identified, print each page within that page range to PDF to (hopefully) 
localize the problem to a particular page.

If none of the above steps find the problem, try printing the entire book 
to PDF with Acrobat Data turned off. If both the file bloat and the errors 
go away, then the cause must be in either the links or the bookmarks. So 
next, repeat the book printing with Acrobat Data turned on, but bookmarks 
turned off. If the problems go away, then something is wrong with bookmark 
generation. If the problem persists, then the links are the culprit.

If, after all these steps, you still are unable to localize the problem, 
perhaps you should consider upgrading to Frame 6.0, which has the new 
Optimize PDF feature, and also upgrading to Acrobat 5.05, which has a 
number of bug fixes.
At 05:53 PM 2/19/02 +0000, Charles Hawtrey wrote:
>(Cross-posted to omsys Framers and Frame2Acrobat)
>After working for several years on Win NT4 I've been upgraded to a new
>PC with Win 2K.
>Apart from the marked need to reboot the system much more often, I've
>found I create huge .PS files when printing to the Distiller port from
>Frame books.
>Example: 208 MB with Win2K, 23.8 MB with Win NT.
>The size of the PDF is largely unchanged, but see below.
>Also I find frequent cases where:
>- Distiller creates a PDF but then says "Errors in PDF - suggest
>recreating with Optimize turned off" (or similar)
>- I run further operations on the PDF, such as Ari's Link Checker, and
>get after a while:
>"Error: A file error has occurred.
>C:\Projects\LCheck\SOURCES\LCStuff.c, line 2771"
>If I try to do anything else, I just get "A file error has occurred."
>If I then try to save, I am told:
>"The document could not be saved. A file error has occurred."
>So I go back to my NT machine, and all goes perfectly. Final PDF size:
>5,766 KB.
>Has anyone any ideas?
>On both machines:
>FrameMaker 5.5.6, Acrobat 4.05.
>Ari's Link Checker v.1.3.3
>SP TimeSavers v.3.2 (with Unbloat turned on)
>NT machine: 256 MB RAM
>Win 2K machine: 1 GB RAM.
>Charles Hawtrey,
>Schlumberger, UK
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| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
177 Riverside Ave., STE F, #1151, Newport Beach, CA 92663
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