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RE: Frame to Acrobat problem: Huge PDF files

> Now I am getting PDF files that are twice the size of my 
> FrameMaker source files and I have no idea why.

It's not clear from your post if you compare PDF files that
were created from the exact same files. Different contents in
the FM files can affect PDF size, such as different graphics,
larger amount of table cells, number of cross-refs/hyperlinks/
index entries, etc.

If it's the same files and you haven't changed any Distiller
options, the causes can be:
* Changed settings concerning Named Destinations, as explained
  by Dan Emory.
* Changed Acrobat Setup settings, such as Acrobat Data enabled
  or not.
* Different ways to produce the PDF: Save As versus Print
* Different printer instance used when generating the PDF
* By accident specifying more than one copy to print
* Changed settings in the AdobePS printer driver

Always use Print to produce PDF, selecting the Acrobat Distiller
printer, and make sure it's created using Adist4.ppd
Don't use Save As PDF and don't use a physical or Generic printer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Michanek, Technical Writer
IAR Systems AB, Sweden: http://www.iar.com
Tel: +46 18 167800, Fax: +46 18 167838
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