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Re: MetaEDD Editing

  To use a cross-reference in an EDD you'd have to change the metatemplate
to have a cross-reference element defined. Furthermore, you'd need a cross-reference
format that picks up the tag of the element you're defining without its prefix.
  It might be easier to just use variables for all tags, both when you define them
and when you use them.

At 04:26 PM 10/25/01 -0400, edunn@transport.bombardier.com wrote:
>I was about to embark on some experimenting and though I would ask if anyone
>else had tried this first.
>One of the dangers while creating EDDs (as I see it) is renaming an element or
>formatchangelist name and then not changing all references to it.
>In order to minimise this risk, I thought about using cross-references. Will I
>run into any pitfalls using this method? I do know that to begin with I will
>have to assign paragraph format tags to the Tag element in the MetaEDD if I want
>to find the target text easily. Or, should it be done by including an optional
>ID attribute for the Tag element?
>Any Ideas?
>Eric L. Dunn

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in FrameMaker+SGML consulting and training
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505

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