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Re: Including coding in a page

>>...If I take screenshots of it and import, it's so small
>>you'd need a magnifying glass to read it!

>The problem with Courier is that it has very wide letters that eat up a
>lot of space. I would therefore recommend that you set it two or three
>points smaller than the sourrounding text.
>Or you could replace Courier with a different monospaced font.

Or you can use Courier and use the Stretch setting to make
a sort-of "Courier Narrow" font. A quick-and-dirty experiment
suggests that 9pt Courier with an 80% stretch uses roughly
the same horizontal space as 7pt Courier with a 100% stretch --
an 80-column display should fit in a 4.75" column. It looks
good enough that I'm tempted to suggest that we make it a
standard here for fixed-space uses.

You may want to experiment with different point sizes & stretch
factors to see what works best, in terms of space usage and
readability, for your manual.

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, Arris

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