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Re: text source options for Frame

Chris Despopoulos wrote:

>Once, as a proof of concept, I set up Maker+SGML to handle most of

Funny, I did that myself the other day. I got about as far as you
did in about the same amount of time.

>I also couldn't handle tables because Maker needs to know how many
>columns are in a Table, and HTML does not. FOr that I punted and
>converted tables to lists.  Not good, but the alternative was to make an
>SGML import client to test the table and deduce the number of columns.

I couldn't find anything in the read/write rules that allows
one to set a value (say, for the number of columns in a table)
based on the attribute of an enclosed tag. If such a feature
existed, that would be good enough for me -- I'd slip in a
COLGROUP tag to specify the number of columns, then import &
make column adjustments. An import client would be better though.

>I don't include getting the actual
>graphics in that, however.

Assuming that the goal is round-tripping, an image's URL should
already correspond to a known graphics archive....

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, Arris

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