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Re: Yikes...no FrameMaker?

edunn@transport.bombardier.com wrote :

> Besides, who cares if it has a future.

I do.

> It's the best program for what we do now.

Right. By the way, can anyone say what WE are doing exactly ? I'm using FM
for fine books, journals, newsletters, illustrated albums, catalogs, ads,
private letters and diary, literary writing, website building, pc-mac
exchange, logotype design and database publishing. And I have not attended a
single hour of training as a programmer, DTP designer or techwriter. My only
skill was to choose the right tool at the start. I can't imagine doing all
that with, say, QuarkXPress.

> If a better one comes along, we'll switch

...of course, and spend months learning other environment, other shortcuts,
other methods, other conceptions, other troubles. Spend a fortune buying
other licenses, other plug-ins...

All right, I'm a lazy and pessimistic conservative European. I do not
consider life as an indifferent flow of pleasures, pains and other events.
But with its spartan style and secret features hidden behind an untimely
ugly interface -- privileges for the happy few, that you have to deserve
before enjoying --, FM secures us with a feeling that the digital world is
still a stable universe controlled by man's mind, and not just a cascade of
audio-visual stimuli for regressive reptilian brains conspiring to merge
Everything human into a universal Playstation.

I apologise if this looks somewhat off-topic. I just meant to say that when
a thing is good and well fitted to its purpose, it is always a pity to see
it fall off. Even when you can easily switch to something newer and
virtually better.

Slobodan Despot


E D I T I O N S  L'A G E  D'H O M M E
Rue de Geneve 10   CH-1000 Lausanne 9

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