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Re: Yikes...no FrameMaker?

>>Perhaps these rumors would not occur and/or persist if Adobe would be more
>>open about their policy regarding FrameMaker?
>>Or am I expecting too much here? After all, I really don't know what to
>>think of PageMaker's future either... ;-)

What more do you want? The head of Adobe has said that as long as he's there FM
has a future, Dov and Lee (amongst other Adobe employees) monitor the lists, FM
engineering and QA is hiring, a new release is out (6.0), and Adobe reps on the
lists have been open about the development of FM7.

Jeesh. I think we all expect them to walk on water. But even if they did there
would be those that would claim they cheated.

Besides, who cares if it has a future. It's the best program for what we do now.
If a better one comes along, we'll switch. If FM is dumped by Adobe, either
someone else will buy it or another program will fill the niche. Even if no
other program is looming and FM is axed, the current incarnation will suffice
for the majority of users for years to come. Developers could produce what
filters may be required for new graphic formats and plugins for the must have
enhancements (as they do right now).

Eric L. Dunn

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