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Re: Graphic import problem

I have to take issue with this. Saying that FM has never had the ability to
import .ai files is just plain wrong. Here at Bombardier we used AI files
exclusively for all our illustrations for quite some time. We changed because
Illustrator is no longer the tool used by our illustrators (we now use
AutoCAD/Mechanical Desktop 3D>2D> wmf + cgm4).
My (our) understanding is that AI files are mearly eps with an Illustrator
specific "wrapping" (or header). The only problems we ever experienced had to do
with embedded scans, and when we changed from Apple to PC (as the previews were
Mac specfic). Even then the only problem was the dreaded gray box affair. And
that has/had no effect on our output.

Eric L. Dunn


You could not have possibly "turned off FrameMaker 6's ability
to import .AI files" because FrameMaker doesn't have (and never
has had) the ability to import .AI files. It does have the capability
of importing .EPS files. Go into Illustrator, open the .AI file,
and do a "Save copy as" in the .EPS format. While you are at it,
make sure you embed fonts and give a PC-compatible TIFF preview
in terms of options.

        - Dov

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