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Re: Graphic import problem


If you can coerce FrameMaker to import a native Illustrator file,
it is only because the particular file looks like a .EPS file without
a preview. This is not true in the general case, particularly since
Illustrator 7 or so. There are PostScript headers added to the .AI
file to make it a .EPS file. If you try importing a .AI file into
FrameMaker, you get a prompt requesting an identification as to
what type of file it is. FrameMaker purposely does not automatically
assume that a .AI file is a valid .EPS file. If you respond to the
prompt claiming that the particular file is in .EPS format, FrameMaker
then attempts to validate that the file is indeed a kosher .EPS file
sans preview. With recent versions of Illustrator, this will not be
the case and FrameMaker generates the appropriate error message.

        - Dov

At 9/11/00 06:25 AM, edunn@transport.bombardier.com wrote:

>I have to take issue with this. Saying that FM has never had the ability to
>import .ai files is just plain wrong. Here at Bombardier we used AI files
>exclusively for all our illustrations for quite some time. We changed because
>Illustrator is no longer the tool used by our illustrators (we now use
>AutoCAD/Mechanical Desktop 3D>2D> wmf + cgm4).
>My (our) understanding is that AI files are mearly eps with an Illustrator
>specific "wrapping" (or header). The only problems we ever experienced had to do
>with embedded scans, and when we changed from Apple to PC (as the previews were
>Mac specfic). Even then the only problem was the dreaded gray box affair. And
>that has/had no effect on our output.
>Eric L. Dunn
>You could not have possibly "turned off FrameMaker 6's ability
>to import .AI files" because FrameMaker doesn't have (and never
>has had) the ability to import .AI files. It does have the capability
>of importing .EPS files. Go into Illustrator, open the .AI file,
>and do a "Save copy as" in the .EPS format. While you are at it,
>make sure you embed fonts and give a PC-compatible TIFF preview
>in terms of options.
>        - Dov

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