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Re: Adobe Magazine and FM

At 05:42 PM 8/5/99 -0300, Bill Briggs wrote:
>I completely agree with your assessment of the situation. I also fail to
>understand why Adobe keeps this product invisible. Frame is such a great
>tool they should be promoting the dickens out of it. I've wondered at times
>if they were afraid of backlash from the evil empire if they promoted it to
>the detriment of Word.
But I don't expect that anyone from Adobe will ever
>utter the real reason in this forum. It's an odd state of affairs.
It's my belief that, if they understood the problem, they wouldn't have to
utter it in this forum, they'd fix it. I'm reasonably convinced that the
problem is mindless corporate decision-making, and the Adobe people who
understand that fact cannot utter it if they want to keep their jobs. In
politics as in business, the need for constant spinning is almost always a
byproduct of stupid decisions that must be papered over.
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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