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Re: Paragraphs refuse to be formatted correctly

I've seen the same behavior in FM+SGML, even though all counters are
properly included in the autonumbering spec. The remedy is to save the file
as MIF and reopen it. Works every time.
At 12:00 PM 7/29/99 -0600, Peter Gold wrote:
>Lester and all:
>It's just as I described. "Erratic" means "not every time in every document
>for every user."
>I've had some customers who needed help with documents in which FrameMaker
>5.5.x autonumbers had become erratic, usually reverting to a lower number
>for the left-most counter. Some of these documents or doc sets had migrated
>from earlier releases of FM, some had been created new in 5.5.x. Some cases
>were chapter (highest-level, leftmost, counters, carried across files in a
>book), some cases were headings within a single document.
>As with the poster whose numbers were whacky because of intervening
>paragraph formats whose autonumbers were designed to do EXACTLY what was
>being observed (but which were not intended to do so), I found some
>customers paragraph formats had been misused or misunderstood. However,
>where paragraph formats were designed correctly, but numbering was erratic,
>using the full explicit numbering as in FrameMaker's Help > Index >
>autonumbering > based on sections fixed the behavior.
>One interesting aspect of the erratic behavior is that once a paragraph
>reverted to a wrong number, it would remain at that number; IOW, it
>wouldn't respond to something that would increment it or change it
>erratically. If we would have taken these things personally, we might have
>though it was defying us to figure out its stubborness. Since we were all
>professionals, we just applied the fix and moved on.
>Also, it was not platform-specific.
>So, now, to be safe, I teach my classes with the 5.5.x model of complex
>  Peter Gold  HighSoft, Inc. Adobe Products Applications Engineer,
>Training, Support
>      tech support email:  swsupport@highsoft.com | my email:
>                     voice: Inside Colorado: 303.751.3700 x206
>                               Outside Colorado 888.795.6066 x206
>                      fax: 303.751.3777
>                                     visit http://www.highsoft.com 
>At 12:49 PM 7/29/99 -0400, Lester C. Smalley wrote:
>>Peter -
>>can you clarify this "erratic problem" in any fashion?
>>I've not had any problems with a numbering scheme that does NOT include
>>forced resets (via the < =0> bulding block) or placeholders (< >) for
>>the top level tag ("Chapter") that drives cascading numbering for three
>>levels of headings, figures, tables, and examples.
>>And this is with verisons 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.6 of both FrameMaker
>>and FrameMaker+SGML on Unix and Windows -- sorry, but I don't do enough on
>>the Mac to comment about this issue there.
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Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
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