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re:Little Mystery Squares

Adobe: A tool to automatically remove empty Text LINES as descibed below would be appreciated. In fact, a tool to automatically remove empty text FRAMES, i.e. those created with the Graphics Text Frame Tool, would also be nice.

These "boxes" you describe (see snip below) are the remnants of clicking the Graphics Text Line Tool on the page and then not entering any text (or later deleting all the text). It is an empty object. I sometimes find dozens of them inside anchored frames when I get files from indecisive writers who click about madly with the text tool.

These are good things to eradicate from templates if you find them on body pages. They just garbage up the file.

This would be a good thing to show anyone using the graphics tools in Framemaker during their initial training, just so they are aware of them. It's pretty easy to do a select all and then get rid of all the junk you see, but it would be better if people cleaned up after themselves as they went.

Craig Ede
Los Jugadores Artísticos

Subject: Little Mystery Squares
From: Wendy McGovern <wmcgovern@pbi.org>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 15:42:14 -0400 (EDT)


Has anyone ever had little invisible square objects appear once in a while
on body pages of Frame documents? Are they some kind of "cookie"-like
object that Frame puts there for some reason?

I first noticed this when I had a graphic object on a page of a document,
and I went to select it by dragging a selection border around it. The
selection border also selected a tiny invisible square. Since I didn't know
what it was, I deleted it. I didn't notice any problem with the file after
I deleted it, but since I didn't put it there, I wondered what it was and
why it was there. I have run across this in other files, too.

Does anyone know what they are?

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