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Re: font not printing

At 3/4/2004 09:50 PM, Cathy Gilmore wrote:
>I'm working in a document where MSPFranklinGothicX font will not print. This
>is an Adobe PS font, and I'm using a client-specified Scitex Dolev800 PS L2
>PPD. Both hard copies and distilled PDFs show the dropped font. I've had no
>other occurrences of fonts not printing. I have read through and made
>suggested changes to PPD file, and I've also downloaded XP patches with no
>Other details:
>-The font is installed on ATM 4.1
>-There is no TrueType version of the font installed.
>-The font won't print from Word, either. But it does print from PageMaker
>-When I change to my printer's default driver HPLaserjet 4000 N, the font
>prints. (But not from the Distiller or default postscript driver.)
>-I'm using Frame 7.0 on Windows XP
>-To help, client suggested printing on Windows 98, (not feasible) or
>creating multiple postscripts (no sucess).
>Any suggestions much appreciated!

Adobe licenses no such font as "MSPFranklinGothicX" ...

Adobe does license Franklin Gothic and ITC Franklin Gothic.

The "MSP" prefix and the "X" suffix would lead me to believe that the font
you have is a hacked up version of a Franklin Gothic from either Adobe or
some other source.

I suspect that the encoding information for the font is corrupt. Windows 2000/XP
PostScript drivers are much more sensitive to this that those of Windows'9x/Me.
That is usually where you see such problems although they normally appear with
fonts that are described as "symbol" fonts. The problem is generally in how
the .pfm file was created for the font and often that is the result of a 
"trip through Fontographer."

Replace the font with a "real" Franklin Gothic font from a trusted, reliable
font foundry!

        - Dov 

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