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consistent crash when printing

I'm using Frame 7.0578 on Win2K. I have a 26-page file that uses tables,
insets, and conditional text. When I printed the file to a watched folder,
Frame crashed on p. 24.

1. I saved the file as MIF and back to Frame.

2. I created the PS file of the 26-page document with no problems.

3. I showed/hid conditions, which made the file grow to 28 pages. I then
created the PS file with no problems.

4. I showed/hid conditions to go back to the original state (26 pages). When
I printed the file to a watched folder, Frame crashed on p. 26.

I repeated steps 1-4, and Frame again crashed on p. 26. Repeated. Same

Anyone seen behavior like that?

I can consistently create the PS file when I have condition B showing (the
28-page document).

When I print with condition A showing (the 26-page document) and the
Generate Acrobat Data checkbox selected, I crash. When I print with
condition A showing and the Generate Acrobat Data checkbox NOT selected, I
don't crash. (That sounded vaguely familiar, so I searched the Adobe Forums
for "Generate Acrobat Data" and tried those suggestions.)

I tried the following, but none of them helped:

* Copying all of the text and pasting it into a new document

* Converting all of the insets into editable text.

* Cleaning out all the TEMP folders that I could find (C:\Temp and
C:\Documents and Settings\<profile>\Local Settings\Temp)

* Cleaning out the watched folder environment

* Made sure that I didn't have Generate Tagged PDF selected

* Changed the Bookmarks Expanded through Level option to a number between 1
and 100

* Made sure that the Open PDF Document on Page option was set to a page that
was within the file

* Changed my printer to a PS printer other than Acrobat Distiller

Any suggestions on what to try next?


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