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Re: graphics went fuzzy

> I've been printing chapters as I wrote. When I print from Frame6 the 
> grahics are fine, no matter what the dpi at which they are imported into 
> doc.
> When I print to .ps file and distill to .pdf, then print, I get fuzzy
> graphics.

Others have already given you the answer: use Job Options to
turn off downsampling. Some further comments:

  - If you want to turn off downsampling completely, use the
    "Press Optimized" job option settings. Doing this bloats
    your PDF. A lot.

  - The "Print Optimized" settings seem to be a reasonable
    compromise between PDF size and bitmap graphics fidelity.
    As always, YMMV.

  - In Distiller, watched folders can have their own job options.
    That means dragon-drop can produce a completely different
    result than a watched folder... and different folders can
    have completely different job options.

Confusing? You bet. Ask me how I figured all this out. :-P

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, ARRIS
"Content creators are the engine that drives
value in the information life cycle."
    -- Barry Schaeffer, on XML-Doc

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