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Re: SGML product comparison lacking in Framers archives

Shlomo Perets has agreed to post this information on his website (www.microtype.com). 

I'm still going to wait another week for people to express their preference whether or not they'd like their identity to be associated with their viewpoint on this subject. Those who explicitly requested confidentiality, need not worry. At this point, I'm thinking of listing all contributors separate from the viewpoints as sort of a "list of credits" to be fair to those who did not have a chance to respond to me on this issue.

By the way, did my original post ever make it onto the other Framers list? I sure hope so.

Thanks to Shlomo for agreeing to keep this info (and droves of other goodies) on his website.

Best regards,

p.s. Maybe I'm worrying too much about this and just shoulda thrown it all out there first and dealt with the aftermath later...

>>> "Jason Aiken" <jason.aiken@medtronic.com> 05/11/01 05:42PM >>>
>From time to time I receive requests pursuant to my now ancient product comparisons between FM+SGML and Arbortext Adept/Epic tools. The archives have only captured references to my query and findings, but not the actual summaries I had provided. I have independently stored these summaries, completely unorganized, in my personal email archives and from time to time forward this on to those few who request the information after a fruitless search in the archives.

Some of the original respondents requested anonymity, and all identifying features of their posts have always been stripped out to meet their confidentiality requirements. Moreover, I've specifically asked anyone receiving any amount of private responses to respect the confidentiality of all respondents involved.

For the benefit of the Frames community (or perhaps InFrame if it's still alive!), I am willing to offer the many viewpoints I have compiled on this subject. However, to accomplish this task I have several requests that, I hope, address all ethical matters related to such wanton dispersal of information, much of which was sent to me privately.

1. Who wants to post this on a web site to make it accessible to all with a simple URL reference?
2. If you know that you provided information and you want no part of your identity to appear, please let me know.
3. If you're not sure that you provided information, please inquire with me and/or let me know your wishes concerning your identity.
4. If you're sure that you provided information and want your identity to appear, please let me know.
5. If you're sure that you provided information and want no part of your message or your identity to appear, let me know.

I think the best way to provide identity to those who want it (while protecting their respective clients or those who want utmost secrecy), is to simply list all those that provided input, and desire recognition, in a credits list separate from each informational chunk. Perhaps I should also edit the droves of email into a single, generic list organized by categories.

I truly think this information can be made more accessible and useful to the public. I seek to advance no opinions of my own, others, or my company in favor of one product over another. Nor do I seek to slander anyone involved, whether it be individual respondent, Arbortext or Adobe---having utmost respect for all individuals and organizations involved either directly or indirectly.

However, I wish to provide this information for the benefit of others diplomatically and ethically, so as not to infringe upon the liberty of any individual or entity.

Please forward this to the other (FrameUsers) list and do not request that I email you this information until May 31, 2001. By this time, I would hope that:

1. all those involved would have had a chance to indicate their privacy wishes to me,
2. I have had free time, outside of my paid employment, to further edit/objectify this information,
3. a willing web master has stepped forward to host the content on a web site.

Any advice, web hosts, or comments?

Happy Friday all,
Jason Aiken, speaking off the clock and after hours as:
Frame Templar
FOSI Farnarkeler
Total Dweeb
Proliferator of free information
Complete nut for cutting so long into my weekend!

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