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RE: learning where text insets are used

Lori Martin asked:

>My doc set (about 70 instruction manuals) make use of a set of text
>(about 50) that describe auxiliary protocols .
>These docs are changing constantly, and as I make changes I produce
PDFs and
>put them into a certain folder on the server that is essentially the
>When one of my text insets change, I need to be able to track down
>manuals include (contain) that inset so that I can generate an updated
>for the print queue. Any ideas on how I could do this?

You can do this with a List of References. Here's one possible set-up to
handle the chore on the whole. 

1. For each book, add a non-printing generated List of References and
set up the LOR file to include only Text Insets. include this file in
the list of files to update whenever you update the file, but don't
include it in the print list when you print or create PDF. Make sure
that the Create hyperlinks box is checked.

2. Assuming you have centralized repository that contains all the
completed books, create a FrameMaker file at the root level of that
repository and import the LOR file from every completed book as a text

3. Whenever you need to check where to update documents that contain a
newly updated text inset:
	a. Open your superLOF file and update all the text insets, save.
	b. Search for the file name(s) of the updated content. 
	c. When you get a hit, double-click and open that inset LOR,
then repeat 
	the search on the source LOR file and use command-option-click
to jump to
	the hyperlinked text inset of the LOR file in an actual book.
	click that text inset and update. Make a note of which book to
	and repeat as much as needed. Save everything as you go.

4. Once it's all updated, go to the books you identified, regenerate
them and then regenerate your PDFs. 

Once this is set up and tested bullet-proof, your operations for routine
updates are:
* create LOR as part of every new book and update for any book revisions
* whenever you get notice about changed source text, run an update on
* use the Find command to identify affected volumes

If you get a lot of these protocol updates, you could automate all or
major chunks of this process using AppleScript (input the names of the
file(s) to be identified and run the script and have it spit out the
path and names of files containing the results, as well as updating
them...then run a script where you input the name of the book file(s)
and regenerate and re-PDF them). It's been a long time since I needed to
swim in those waters but I understand the current AppleScript is pretty

Best of luck!
Deborah Snavely
Document Architect, Technical Publications, 
Aurigin Systems, Inc. http://www.aurigin.com/ 

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