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Re: What are the top ten features Word users hate about FM? [MORE ENTERTAINMENT]

How about: "Where's my friend, the Paper Clip???"

Or "Why can I edit drawings on the page instead of in a disgusting and
superfluous window?"

Or "Why doesn't it make gramatical suggestions which I have to reject in
every single case because they are so lame?"

But there IS a cure for your frustrated soul if your brain is overheating with
MS Word frustration:

The newly released recording of the Kirov performing Rimsky-Korskov's
"The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh". Magic. 
(Dislaimer: I am not connected to the Kirov, Phillips, etc.)

Good Luck, Hedley!

Charles Hawtrey wrote:
> Reference page? Wossat? So what's a master page for, then?
> What's with these text flow things?
> Why do we have to delete pages at the end? in the middle? (see previous)
> What's a book, anyway? Who needs it?
> Charles
> "Hedley Finger (EPA)" wrote:
> > Folks:
> >
> > I realize that my previous message reads as though I have to give basic
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