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Re: BradFramers Down Again?

Perhaps it has something to do with his post of the 12/8. 
- Craig

We've been evaluating new list software for about 6 months.  We're in the
process of setting up Lyris--by far the most robust list software available.
We'll be testing it for a couple more weeks before we transfer the list to
the new software.  The feature set is great--all HTML and MIME messages will
be rejected, digest can be received as normal, in MIME format, or only as an

In testing yesterday, some of you may have received a strange "your are not
subscribed" message from Lyris--the new software we're testing.  Sorry for
the confusion.

Best Regards,


>>> "Thomas Michanek" <thomas.michanek@telia.com> 12/14/99 12:00PM >>>
>Last message was posted at 11:22 EST on Saturday. It's now Tuesday just
>before 9:00 AM PST. That's about 72 hours with no messages.

Have to share Dan's concern this time...
Have sent several messages to BradFramers this weekend, and
receive bounce messages about disk problems...
Not a very encouraging situation without any information.
BTW, have stopped emailing Brad since he never has the time
to reply anyway, which he has admitted himself.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Michanek, [Michagon], Linkoping, Sweden
Documentation Consultant, FrameMaker/UNIX expert
EMAIL:  mailto:Thomas.Michanek@telia.com 
WWW:    http://go.to/framers , or go directly to:
NOTE: my old WWW page contains outdated information
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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