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Re: Multilingual (Greek) auto-numbering

Hello Jason,

, , you wrote:

JA> If you look at the ANSI number assigned to each character, it looks
JA> like this:

JA>        English       Greek
JA> A      065           0195
JA> B      066           0196
JA> C      067           0197

JA> FrameMaker knows to use the 065 character when you use the <A=1>
JA> building block.

JA> Is there any way to get FrameMaker to start at the 0195 character so
JA> that auto-numbering works automatically in a Greek font?


Unfortunatelly, Framemaker/Frame+SGML has predefined build-in
Resources for all types of [auto]numbering.
In opposite to Index sort order that we can redefine for any language
from Greek and Russian to Thai and Lao, the autonumbering values are
the Frame Resource. Of course you can use ResEdit in Mac, or WorkShop in Win...
for find and redefine autonumbering strings..
I don't advice it yet.

Better make own Greek font - copy and put glyphs from Greek alphabet
over Latin ABCDEF in range from A to .. hmm.. z.

Fontlab, FontMonger or Fontographer helps you.

May be in next live, and next version like Framemaker 6 it should be
more plastically.

Best regards,

Dmitri Yunov

DTP multilingual support/consulting
multilingual font technology

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