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Re: Formatting footnotes

The behavior you describe is a FrameMaker "feature" which has nothing to do
with the fact that you're creating a structured document with FM+SGML. That
is, whether the document is structured or unstructured, you get the
following behavior when the page layout has multiple columns:

1. If the footnote is placed in a paragraph that straddles columns, the
footnote text will straddle those same columns.

2. If the footnote is placed in a paragraph that does not straddle columns, the
footnote text will appear in the same column as the footnote reference.

I know of no simple way to override this behavior.
At 04:06 PM 9/21/99 +0100, Van ROOYEN, Charlotte wrote:
>I'm having a basic formatting problem, and just wondered if anyone can help!
>I'm setting up a template for a journal we produce, the journal style is two
>columns with the Title/Author/Author address straddling both columns at the
>top of the first page. However we need to have footnotes in a single column,
>at the end of the first column, at the end of the first page. However the
>only valid place I can place footnotes (I'm working with FrameMaker+SGML) is
>after an author's name. The author's names are at the top of the first page
>and straddle both columns, as far as I can see the footnote is taking the
>straddle from the author format (set to across both columns), and not the
>paragraph format of the footnote itself (set to in column).
>The footnotes will appear in a single column if I place it within a single
>column element, but it is then invalid which is unacceptable. Is there
>anyway of getting around this. I can't change the format of the journal, as
>it is well established. 
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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