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Re: Right/Left Page Management for Special Pages

This is a major hole in FrameMaker funtionality (i.e., that it can't manage
left/right master page pairs other than the default left/right pair). I
believe Rick Quattro at
        "Rick Quatro" <frameexpert@mindspring.com>
has a FrameScript that will do the job, provided that:
        a. Your master page naming conventions conform to the conventions
required by the script.
        b. The first paragraph tag on a page must be uniquely correlatable
to a particular left/right page pair you want to use. If the first paragraph
tag on a page does not correlate to a ltransition to a different master page
pair, then the page would use the same master page pair as the previous
page. Thus, if a page uses a non-default left/right master page pair, and
the next page should revert back to the default left/right master page pair,
a unique paragraph tag must be also be established for that case.

PublishRight had a product named MPager that used a special marker type
rather than a paragraph tag to signify a transition to a different
left/right master page pair. It also required conformance to a master page
naming convention. However, I think the product was sold to another company
(a UK company as I recall), which is now marketing it. I don't remember the
name of that company.

As you can see, it gets kind of complicated, which probably explains why it
has not yet been implemented in FrameMaker. if Adobe were to implement this
added page management funtionality in the next FrameMaker release, the
simplest implementation would be the one used in MPager (i.e., a special
marker type denotes a transition to a different master page type). Such an
implementation would still require conformance to an established master page
naming convention of some sort, however.

Note that any such master page management capability should also include a
capability to add a named blank left-hand master page when the last text
page in a chapter or section is a right-hand page.
At 11:32 AM 8/31/99 -0400, harvey_greenberg@standardandpoors.com wrote:
>Is there a way to easily control application of rights and lefts for special
>pages? The basic right and left within a template works fine. Where we have
>special pages, though, and are not able to set them as always left or always
>right we have to: 1) create right- and left-versions for each special page,
>2)  manually go through the chapter after all the material is composed and fix
>the rights that should be left and vice-versa.
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