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Re: Encarta Dictionary

"Dinkum" exits in "Australian English" (pronounced "strine"). The Macquaire
Dictionary of Australian Chinese (published last month) says it comes from the
Victorian goldfields (c. 1840's), and was Chinese dialect Din Kum meaning "real
gold" as opposed to fool's gold (iron pyrites). How did Bill get hold of this
lexiconigraphical fool's gold?

I suggest we all treat the Gates dictionary the same way that Becky Sharpe
treated Dr Johnson's in the first Chpt of Vanity Fair -- i.e. threw it out of
the carriage.

Dan Emory wrote:
> I thought many of you would be interested in this review of the Gatesian
> invasion into lexicography:
> ======================================================================
> Now, the big thing about the new Encarta dictionary is that it's supposed
> to be a "world English" dictionary, documenting the way the language
> is used all over the world.  Even in countries where it is not the first
> language.  For example, the press materials for the new dictionary say
> that one can use it to find out that "dinkum" means 'genuine or reliable'
> "Naturally," writes Ms Carvajal, "rival publishers immediately rustled
> through the pages under 'd' in Encarta, which prompted another gleeful
> discovery: 'dinkum' had vanished."

> There are rumors that a copy of the new Encarta was placed in front
> of a portrait of James Murray* and the picture wept.
As do we all!

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