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re: Idea: Start of chapter with top of first line down the page


IMHO, an even simpler solution is to create a large blank frame on the
reference page and attach it to the Chapter tag as a frame above paragraph.
This has the advantage of minimizing tag names and preventing accidental
deletion of the paragraph above.

Either way, no call to feel stupid. FrameMaker takes some learning, up in
the slick and tricky corners, and there's often more than one way to do
anything! (That business about tying specific paratags or other tags to
automatically apply appropriate master pages is one that Hedley Finger and
Conrad Taylor have variously identified as a killer need; imagine that you
insert a landscape format table and the appropriate left or right landscape
page automagically substitutes itself...and pages adjust as the table moves
with editing.)

Of course, there may be some disadvantage to this method that I've never
come across; Framers?

Deborah Snavely
Senior Technical Writer and part-time curmudgeon
consulting at Visa
standard disclaimers apply


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:25:34 -0400
From: Jay Smith <jay@jaysmith.com>
Subject: Idea: Start of chapter with top of first line down the page

(FM 556 on Win95)

Normally you want a chapter to start new on a right page.  In my case, I
also need the chapter heading to appear a couple inches down said page.

Up to this point, we had used a first-page-in-chapter master page, but
because tags cannot be tied to master pages (i.e. cause master pages to be
used where the tag is located), it meant having each chapter in a separate
file because that way the first page could easily use the
first-page-in-chapter master page
without causing any flow and master page assignment problems (as text is
added and removed).  That means having multiple files, a book, a
template/master file, etc.  A big pain.

When you set a paragraph to be at the top of a right page, FM ignores any
Space Above Paragraph setting, thus you can't push the chapter heading down.

So... very simple solution (but why did it not occur to us earlier?):  Above
the chapter heading, add a "empty" paragraph tagged "chapter-head-above" and
set IT to appear at the top of a right page and set Space Below to be what
ever space you want.  Then set "chapter-head" to appear Anywhere.  

It is so simple that I feel really stupid for not having used it before. 

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