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Re: Adobe credibility and FrameMaker development LONG-ish

Dan Emory wrote:

> Hmm. Other than the mistake of the spaces before XML and DOCTYPE, I copied
> the prologs and declarations above directly from examples in section 2.9,
> "Prolog and Document Type Declaration" of the 31 March 1997 working draft of
> the Syntax specification.

This is known as a "Dorothy Dixer" in Australian parliament - that's when
someone from your own party asks you a question that you want to answer. As you
pointed out, two years is a long time in this market. Imagine if anyone had been
foolish enough to develop to the working draft, etc. [Insert numerous other
cheap points here.]

> Have these changed in later editions?

Yes, version 1.0 of the recommendation shows the XML declaration as being:

XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'

Go to http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210.html#sec-prolog-dtd if you want
the whole story. (You may have to remove the line break from the URL.)


Marcus Carr                      email:  mrc@allette.com.au
Allette Systems (Australia)      www:    http://www.allette.com.au
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       - Einstein

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