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Re: Frame versus Word

Our customer feedback data shows that a slight majority of our users
prefer HTML over PDF for certain kinds of information.  At first I was
surprised, but I can access both over our intranet and find myself
grabbing the HTML first if all I want is a quick look.  I use the PDF
when I want to see higher detail in the graphics or if I want to
print a book or a specific range of pages.  But, for quick access to
specific information, HTML still rules.  That said, if I could only do
ONE conversion, it would be to PDF.  I am very interested in the
New Kid on the horizon, PGML (a subset of XML), which allows
for using zoomable vector graphics in the browser window so
that no detail is lost by converting vector line art into GIF or
JPEG for use on the web.

Sheila, I will send you a Frame / Word comparison white paper
in PDF if you like (I won't attach it to the entire list!).  Just ask.

-- Tom

Dan Emory wrote:

> Sounds to me like the tail is wagging the dog. If the "outside entity" wants
> a "straight conversion", and isn't willing to use the right tools, then find
> someone else to do it. It sounds like your "outside entity's" competency is
> limited to producing shovelware.
> Why not convert them to PDF for online delivery? That would preserve the
> format and layout of the document, unlike HTML.

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